ACRA-CUT, located in Acton, Massachusetts, has
been in the cranial perforator business since 1981 and is
recognized as the leader in the research, development and
manufacture of cranial perforators.
ACRA-CUT has been defining excellence in Neurosurgery
for the past two decades and is now poised to offer new and
exciting ideas and products to improve the treatment for the
neurosurgical patient.
Innovations include numerous models and sizes
of cranial perforators to address the different bone variations
for adult and pediatric procedures as well as our spiral cranioblade
for low speed applications. The ACRA-CUT Scalp Clip System
a reusable scalp clip gun featuring disposable clips cartridges
with various clamping forces for both adult and pediatric
Over the years, our mission has remained clear,
to manufacture the safest and best designed products possible
for you and your patients.